
Minggu, 14 November 2010

Test Aura

Setiap orang pasti memiliki warna aura. Percaya atau tidak, warna aura merupakan warna kepribadian Anda.

Jika Anda ingin mengetahui warna aura dengan tes yang mendapat hasil seperti ini :

Thogoogle, your Aura Colour is Mental Tan.

Mental Tans are the scientists. They are methodical, rational, mental, patient, statistical, reasoning, sequential, leaders by logic, meticulous and clinical.

Find out what colour your aura is.

Dengan detail seperti ini :

Your Aura :
Mental Tan

Mental Tans are the scientists. They are methodical, rational, mental, patient, statistical, reasoning, sequential, leaders by logic, meticulous and clinical.

The key to happiness and success for Mental Tans is in: understanding the process of intuition. They must journey from cold logic into the unknown of metaphysics. They can accomplish this task only if they are willing to become risk takers. Part of this journey involves learning to leap from the position of physical. mental, and emotional safety into the realm of the unknown. This means having faith and trusting their intuition.

In order to he able to let go of the safe and secure, Mental Tans must recognize that their feelings and emotions are the gateway to intuition. They can gain access to the realm of hunches only by getting in touch with and feeling those emotions. They need to learn how to express their feelings authentically without trying to rationalize them away. As they relinquish their need to know," larger and larger possibilities open up to them. They begin to understand that the leap faith is not a free fall into disaster and chaos.

1) Klik disini (catatan : pastikan Anda menggunakan browser Internet Explorer)

2) Daftar di New User dengan memasukkan username dan klik tanda enter

3) Masukkan sebuah password tdan klik tanda enter

4) Klik tanda panah ke kanan beberapa kali hingga muncul testnya.

5) Jawab 98 pertanyaan + 3 pertanyaan optional.

6) Anda akan tahu warna aura Anda plus penjelasannya (dalam bahasa inggris tentunya)

Jika kesulitan mengerti bahasa inggris, bisa dibantu lewat Google Translate

2 komentar:

  1. Ahaha, ane juga "Mental Tan"... Berarti sifat kite hampir same ye... hehehe... Atau setiap anak remaja emang begitu?


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